Higher Education Commission Islamabad Overseas Scholarships
Candidates must have minimum sixteen years of education
Maximum two second divisions throughout the academic career
Maximum age on Monday May 5, 2014
a. 40 years for full time regular faculty members of public sector Universities/Colleges and employees of the public
sector R & 0 organizations 35 years for all others
a. 40 years for full time regular faculty members of public sector Universities/Colleges and employees of the public
sector R & 0 organizations 35 years for all others
b. The candidates must have obtained 50 or above marks (Accumulative Test Score) in the GAT-General test valid from July 8, 2012.
The candidates who are already availing any other scholarship are not eligible to apply
The candidate must have acquired the requisite qualification on or before Monday May 5, 2014.
The candidates who are already availing any other scholarship are not eligible to apply
The candidate must have acquired the requisite qualification on or before Monday May 5, 2014.
Applicants who have already applied need not to re-apply.
Scholarships are not being offered in Engineering, Agriculture and Chemistry subjects.
Government employees should apply through proper channel
Candidates are required to make sure whether their field of subject is being offered in their choice of country/university, otherwise candidate will not be considered for interview/scholarship.
Candidates are required to make sure whether their field of subject is being offered in their choice of country/university, otherwise candidate will not be considered for interview/scholarship.
Candidates will have to submit the research proposal based on local Pakistani issues/problems.
Candidates are required to ful fil the requirement of Host
Last date of receipt of applications:
Printed copy of online application form completed in all respects along with all requisite documents should reachthe undersigned latest by Monday May 5, 2014 through registered mail or courier service. By hand / Incomplete/ applications received after due date will not be entertained
Printed copy of online application form completed in all respects along with all requisite documents should reachthe undersigned latest by Monday May 5, 2014 through registered mail or courier service. By hand / Incomplete/ applications received after due date will not be entertained
Original online Deposit slip of Rs. 200/- (non-refundable) in
favor of the Director General Finance, Higher Education Commission, H-9, Islamabad on account number 0112-00500119-01, HBL Aabpara Branch Islamabad as processing fee
favor of the Director General Finance, Higher Education Commission, H-9, Islamabad on account number 0112-00500119-01, HBL Aabpara Branch Islamabad as processing fee
University to secure the admission which may include International GRE, TOFEL etc. Candidates are advised to appear in these tests before the interview? admission.
Candidates are required to indicate the countries/universities of their choice in order of preference in the application form. HEC reserves the right to re-allocate any country? university to the candidate. Only one interview or admission chance against any country? university will be provided.
Only short listed candidates will be called for interviews
Short listed candidates will be interviewed by the relevant country selection team for award of scholarship
11. Awardees have to execute a bond with the HEC to serve in Pakistan for 5 years after completion of study, preferably in an institution of Higher Education

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